Thursday, October 18, 2012


Pray :entreat;implore : to address God with with adoration,CONFESSION,supplication or thanksgiving

A few weeks ago in church  we talked about confession and were taught that it means : To say the Same Thing.  Now when I think of the word Confession I usually think of it in a negative way. Someone needs to confess their sins or someone confessed something they did. But that word can be used in the opposite manner as well. If we confess the Promises of Jesus, His Word  or His will, He is faithful to bring it about to completion(according to His timing). This is a very positive confession!

To say the same thing.... So we know without a doubt that God called us to adopt and that he has a very specific child in mind for us. We pray for her as a couple at least twice a week and she is on my mind all the time so I am praying for her throughout the day, everyday. We are doing what the scriptures tell us to and how they tell us to:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let you request be made known to God.                                                                         Phil 4:6

The Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayers of the righteous.      Prov 15:29

... The effective prayer of the righteous man can accomplish much.                James 5:16

Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God, For to You I pray. In the morning, O Lord You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.   Ps 5:2-3

I bring this up because I am so blessed and truly speechless at the all the people who are praying "saying the same thing the word says" about our adoption. I am so thankful for those of you who are praying for our child and thinking about her. A few weeks ago I  had 3 separate people in one week tell me that our adoption/child had been on their heart and they wanted me to know they were thinking and praying for us. Then a week or two later a friend and I were talking and she said, well we are praying for you in regards to your adoption. This week someone who I do not know that well  wanted to let us know that we were on his thoughts and he was praying for us about the adoption. I know of people in other states who are praying for us. I know of  a couple in another country lifting us in their prayers. It is AMAZING!  God is so faithful!

I am so encouraged as we wait and hope that others find encouragement in the power of prayer as well. It is such an awesome tool that we have to communicate with our Loving Father!  I can't wait to show you all pictures of  our child  and see the prayers come to fruition!

Again thank you all so much for your faithful prayers for our family!

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