Saturday, December 8, 2012

Just an Update

Well it's a busy time of year with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. We are so mindful of the Lord and his Son that was willing to come down to earth and be our savior. I love Christmas and enjoy shopping, wrapping and preparing etc. But I would be lying if I would say that while I am focused on the True meaning of Christmas...Jesus, the rest of the busyness seems just that this year, busyness! It has not seemed fun as it usually does.

I was hoping that being so busy would make the wait go by faster and before we know it "the call" could come. But it is just not happening, the wait is really getting to me, I'm just so sick of all of the adoption stuff! This Christmas season stands out in our minds especially this year because on Dec 21 we will have been waiting for one year. That is a long time, but it does make us happy because our agency tells us that the wait time for a referral is 12 - 15 months. That means we are nearing the end of our wait!!!

Since we have been waiting a year, we now have to begin updating our dossier. I had to file a petition to get our fingerprints redone, we have to have another home study update done and all our medical information needs to be updated. Just a bunch of busy work. But we will comply and get things in order as soon as possible so everything is set when the time comes.

Unfortunately, we received an email from our agency this week stating that after we receive the referral the wait time to travel to pick up our child has been extended again to 6-9 months. When we started the process 18 months ago the wait to travel was 4 weeks to 3 months. Then a few months ago they told us it was going to be 3 months. Not long after that they told us the wait time was 4-6 months and then of course this week it was extended again! Honestly, this took all the wind out of my sails! It's been a rough week, I've cried and been angry and just plain exhausted with the process. That being said there is nothing we can do except play the game and wait.

On a positive note, I have received medication for my estrogen loss and it has really helped, Greyson is doing well and we are getting a puppy next week (crazy, I know). Ron will soon be celebrating his 30th birthday. So while in one area of our lives, it seems time stands still, other areas move along and change. Above all else God remains faithful to minister His peace to us, His steadfast love is a comfort when we receive bad news. I'm so thankful He was obedient even unto death and came down to this broken world to seek and save the lost. He stays the same and never changes!

We thank all who pray for us and this journey we are on and ask for continued prayer for our family.

Thanks so much!

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