Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jesus: Of course he gets it!

Well Dec 21,12 was officially one year of waiting. We have now been in the program about 18 months. Sometimes it seems like we are just hanging out there doing what God called us to do but doing it all alone. Most of the time I feel His presence especially when it comes to the adoption. The "Peace that passes understanding" is so real but truthfully sometimes I feel like He called and because He is God we did what He asked but that there is no way He knows what I'm going through.

Not sure if anyone else ever feels this way but as I was thinking about this the past week the Holy Spirit reminded me of just how much Jesus the Son and God the Father know exactly what I am going through. They too have been through the same emotions, in fact He created the emotions that I feel.

I think of the anticipation that I have to see my child. My mind wanders to what my children will do, how will they impact the world?  I can't wait to see them be used by God and it hit me that my heavenly Father anticipated the arrival of His child as well. He wouldn't wait to see His Son be used and change the world. He gets what I'm going through!

 It is rare but we have had some negative comments about the adoption, mostly I don't think people mean to say what they say but they do and while it does not make me doubt what we are doing, fear/anger can creep in. When I hear the worst case scenario's I begin to fear the unknown. Then it hits me that Jesus, while on earth, was slandered against and told He was crazy and even if people didn't mean it they doubted Him. He gets What I'm going through!

I think the one that hit me the most this week was the fact that He will be able to relate to my Child in a way I will never be able to. Jesus knows what it is like to be different. He was sent to a place that He was not from, in essence He was adopted! He gets what my kid will go through!

Obviously, Jesus is the Son of God and God is well God, so comparing them to my situations in life may seem like stretching but I think that when I was feeling out there and alone these past few weeks Jesus just spoke to me and said "Been there and done that" NOT in a condescending way but in a "let Me meet you where your at" kind of way. How sweet that is, how refreshing to my Spirit that the God of the universe gets what I am going through because He too has been through it. He will see this adoption through, He will see my every need through because that is who He is.

I hope this serves as an encouragement to you as we soon begin a New Year. It may seem like you are out there on your own but remember He knows what you are going through!

This past year was an amazing year regardless of the fact we did not get our referral. We are so thankful for Greyson, who started Preschool this year at Byron Center Christian. This has been awesome for our whole family. We celebrated my 28th birthday and Greyson's 4th birthday. Ron has been so busy at work but with good reason. The Cook family transitioned ownership from Ron's Uncle Brad to Ron. He is now an owner of the Funeral Home. They also purchased two new funeral homes in the Dorr and Wayland area. I continue to work 1 1/2 days a week and love it. We have seen God's faithfulness in our extended families and enjoy our friendships with our siblings. We love watching our nieces and nephews grow. Our cousin was married this summer and we all played a role in the wedding. Ron's Grandmother passed away just days ago and while we feel sorrow for his grandpa we rejoice she is whole again after years of battling Alzheimer's. We did add a puppy, Marge, to our family and since we are still in the potty training phase I cant say I'm super thankful for her yet but she is adorable and we do lover her. We are excited to see what God has in store for us in 2013!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and May you have a happy,healthy New Year!!

Here's a few highlights of the past year:

1 comment:

  1. We are friends of your parents, Fred & Kathy and I want to encourage you in your adoption. 37 years ago we adopted our daughter Niki from Korea and I would do it all over again! I know the adoption procedure is much more difficult than what we dealt with back then but so worth it. God bless you and your family through this process!
    Cliff & Cherie Dykstra
